Dragica Merdžan

Postani sve ono o čemu sanjaš

Pretvaram snove u ciljeve i

ciljeve u stvarnost. 

Što mogu učiniti za vas?

Pomažem menadžerima ostvariti svoj puni potencijal.

Kroz leadership coaching, career coaching, edukacije i treninge pomažem pojedincima i organizacijama mijenjati se –  uspostaviti psihološku sigurnost na poslu, pogurati granice i postati najbolja verzija sebe. Najveći prioritet su mi menadžeri, jer su oni pokretači i ključ svake promjene.

Svi trebamo nekoga da nam pomogne shvatiti što najviše želimo.

coaching success Dragica Merdzan

Nailazite na puno prepreka na svom putu do uspjeha?

Rado ću vas pratiti na tom putu.
Bit ću vam podrška,
propitivat ću vaša uvjerenja, pogurat ću vaše granice.

Pomoći ću vam snove pretvoriti u stvarnost.


Što kažu klijenti

Dragica is a wonderful coach. Her compassionate and encouraging nature really supported my growth while her ability to identify some aspects that I couldn't see clearly, and gently open my eyes to them enabled me to overcome the things which were holding me back. Dragica enabled me to overcome my unhelpful narratives and progress to a more authentic and fuller form of myself. I am now able to recognize and communicate my achievements where I had always overlooked myself in the past. Dragica's ability to pick up on the narratives in my mind which were holding me back and subtly bring me to a point where I could see them without them being pointed out was a form of artistic ability. Dragica's coaching has unquestionably changed my life. Her incredible insightful, compassionate, and joyful style supported my journey and helped me over many barriers. I am a better form of myself after her coaching and believe anyone coached by her will feel the same way.
Kirsten Ross
United kingdom

Dragica is a talented coach who skillfully takes you on a journey of self-discovery and heightened self-awareness. Her capacity to read your needs and adapt to it is remarkable. As a Coachee I gained many important insights about myself and, when necessary, still revisit some of the conversations we had 🙂 Dragica´s delightful being and skillful balancing of "provocation" and encouragement to fit my needs was great. I highly recommend Dragica!

Cleelia Uudam Costa

I have gained a new perspective on the actual issues that were concerning me and was able to delve deeply into the underlying reasons behind them. Additionally, in collaboration with Dragica, I have developed a robust approach for effectively addressing such situations. I would recommend Dragica to everybody, especially for those people operating in high-pressure environments.

Customer Success Manager

Coaching has helped me to clarify and focus on my intentions and plans for this year. Dragica's coaching is very effective. She keeps the session well-structured, gives excellent feedback and summarizes what has been said. Also, I liked her way of registering emotions by paying attention to the client's facial expressions and other physical signs.

Career Coach

Kontaktirajte me:




+385 99 7528 370
